Calligraphy is done with a writing brush and ink. This is considered and artistic accomplishment and is something quite apart from ordinary penmanship.There are many forms of traditional calligraphy. Typical ones are ; KAISHO, which is similar to the printed form; GYOSHO, which is some what abbreviated; and SOSHO, which is a more reduced form. \r Calligraphy is an art form that has been studied for over three thousand years.\r◎ 手作りの硯\r◎ 水差し(柿の鋳物)\r◎ 文鎮(漆器文鎮)\r◎ 筆(二本)\r◎ 筆置き(漆器筆置き・鋳物筆置き)\r◎ 墨\r◎ 螺鈿硯箱\r◎ 半紙と下敷き\r#習字道具\r#硯\r#筆\r#筆置き\r#硯箱\r※銀座伊東屋にて購入。因みに、硯は当時¥70,000で購入